Manly Shore Dive – Testing out new GoPro Camera

After enjoying diving enough to come to the conclusion it was something I was going to continue to do occasionally and with a once in a lifetime holiday to French Polynesia coming up I decided it was time to invest in a new dive camera. Although I enjoy the amazing shots people manage to get […]

Why 2013 will be a new Challenge for me

You go through life always wanting to do and be so much more then the amount of time the day to day grind zaps away from you, wondering to yourself “what if I did this?”, “what if I did that?”. I’m no 18 year old with a whole life time ahead of me anymore, so […]

New Year Social Network Clean-Up

As another year goes by, it’s time for a social network clean-up as updates from acquaintances and meaningless retweets seem start to fill my Facebook newsfeed and Twitter timelines. Once a year, I like to take the time to go through and cull friends and followers, it minimises giving access of my details to once […]

Book Review – The China Study

If you ever have suffered from chronic illness, or been close to someone who has, then you might find The China Study very interesting. This is not for the faint hearted or “ignorance is bliss” crowd, this book challenges conventional thinking based on fact and poses a lot of tough questions about the fabric of […]

My Shark Dive

Fully geared up, I slowly submerge myself in the small diving pool attached to the side of the aquarium. I try my best to ignore the 16 degrees celsius water but it envelopes me and will take some time to adjust, my breathing instantly gets very rapid. It’s been around 2 years since my last […]