Welcome to my blog where I will share some ramblings on thoughts I have, things I’m passionate about or projects I’ve been working on. All my comments are my own and should not be considered attributed to my current employer or organisations I am affiliated with.
I’m a Christian trying to live each day as best as I can. I am happily married, have 0 kids, 2 awesome dogs and a bunch of chickens. I’ve worked for Cisco Systems since 2004 where I’m currently part of a global team focused on deployments of customer collaboration solutions. Since 2010 I’ve volunteered at Windsor District Baptist Church in an online communications kind of role which includes running the WDBC website. In 2013 I started studying part-time at Morling College because I wanted to challenge myself to learn more about the Bible.
I enjoy modern strategy board games, which led me to start my own local gaming group in 2011 – Hawkesbury Board Gamers. I find board games are a great way to not only meet new friends, but unwind after a busy week by occupying the mind with some completely different thoughts. In 2010 I discovered scuba diving which I fell in love with and still do occasionally, I find it combines experiencing some of of God’s most amazing creations and overcoming physical challenges. I’m no young man anymore so I try to walk the dogs, cycle and swim whenever I can to try and improve my fitness.
I believe we’re living in a world where everybody has the power to make a difference no matter how small, and it’s worth going the extra mile to look after the world around us and each other.
I hope you enjoy my ramblings, feel free to connect with me if you have any questions on what you find here.